Monday, 28 July 2014

Better Parenting and Education scores higher than a Good School

abacus learning in Kolkata
Good parenting matters a lot when it relates to academic success. Quality school does matter a lot but good parenting helps children to adopt the quality of a school. Students at relatively weaker schools, who come from homes where parents are intimately involved in their children's education, do better in higher studies than children at better schools, who had lethargic parents. One probably remembers recently released Bengali feature film: Ramdhanu where 'Mitali Dutta' and her husband 'Laltu Dutta' (two characters of the film) got frustrated while admitting their child 'Gogol' to a reputed school. The beleaguered couple was running after a rat-race but eventually realized the importance of good parenting. Futuristic play schools in Kolkata like Genius Kids follow the same philosophy. Pupils spend less than 15% of their time in school so clearly parents matter more than a good school.

In the film, little boy 'Gogol' was enjoying horror tales that his grandmother told. He loved to go for a short trip to his mother's village while he was eager to know fishing tips from his grandfather. Intimation with family members helps 'Gogol' to learn the social bonding.

Genius Kids, one of the top-10 day care & reputed pre-school in Kolkata believes parental involvements such as checking homework, attending school meetings and events, talking about school activities at home have a more powerful impact on students' academic performance than anything. Doing this (parental contribution), parents are, in turn, indicating to their children that school is important. While parents keep in touch with what is taught in the class, it helps children get the correct answer or react perfectly in the class.

kids tutorial centre in Salt lake emphasizes that parents should realize how important they are to their children achieving educational success. Sociologists often term good parenting as "family social capital". Sociologist Toby Parcel said, "Toddlers, kids or older teens who are just about to go off to college or work, yet family social capital is very important." Parents might matter even more when their children are below five. A parenting development centre of Kolkata with branches in Garia and Salt Lake teaches parents so that more attention should be paid to get parenting right rather than simply investing in schools.

Teachers make parents aware that they do not need to buy luxurious educational toys or digital devices for their kids to give them an edge. What they need to do with their children is to talk. A study published in the journal 'Pediatrics' said that that two-way adult-child discussion are six times as potent in promoting language development. KG activities centre of Genius Kids in Garia feels parents talking to their children give them a chance to try out language for themselves and also provide them the sense that their thoughts and opinions matter.

Children learning ABACUS in top pre-school of Kolkata are encouraged to talk about counting and numbers at home. Pre-schools often teach parents about the content of talking with kid because children who talk and listen about numbers and counting at home start school with a better mathematical knowledge. Renowned day care in Kolkata like Genius Kids believes youngsters do best when their parents help them with homework, emphasise the importance of education and attend school events. But at the same time Montessori training institute of Kolkata also warns parent not to be “helicopter parents” because they hover around and push them to achieve high academic standards.

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Thursday, 24 July 2014

Using cell phones: A precautionary note to parents to monitor mobile usage

Lisa Sharma (name changed), a four year old girl in Kolkata is so obsessive with cell phones that when her father comes home in the evening, she just takes her father’s mobile. She even has disinterest to talk to her father. Lisa is not only making phone calls but she is good at playing games, listening music and watching videos. Lisa’s example is not a standalone one. Parents are concerned that kids are religiously addicted to mobiles. Leading play schools like Genius Kids have been taking a constructive role to bring awareness among parents teaching merits and demerits of mobile phones.

In metros, almost all families don’t use land phones often. Parents mostly rely on mobilesand children have easy access to it from very early age. Experts warn that handing over the gadget to a child may not be good as it can be damaging to child’s physical and mental health. It can prove to be a disruption and affect one’s study. Doctors too advise that frequent and prolonged use of mobiles can cause hearing loss, chances of ear infections, attention problems, sleep disturbances and mood swings. A survey conducted by a cartoon channel in India showed that 95% kids stay in homes with a mobile phone while 73% of Indian kids are mobile phone users. Of these, 70% fall under the age between 7 to 10 years.

A child demands mobile phones under peer pressure. Top notch play schools like Genius Kids educate students about the negative impact of the gadgets to avoid peer pressure. In fact, Department of Telecommunication of Government of India has also floated a precautionary note for mobile users. A reputed day care like Genius Kids day care teaches children to hold the cell phones away from body to the extent possible using headset (Bluetooth or wired) to keep the handset away from one’s head.

An innovative and accountable play schools like Genius Kids let parents know some crucial facts as notified by the Telecommunication Department. If the radio signal is weak, a mobile phone will escalate its transmission power. So, it is better to use mobile phone where reception is good and signal is strong.  Children at a reputed play schools like genius Kids are taught in a simple way that metal and water are good conductors of radio waves so parents and children must avoid using a mobile phone while wearing metal-framed glasses or having wet hair. Parents perhaps put the handset on their ear before connecting the call. This is an ill-practice.

A top day care like Genius Kids keeps parents aware of the fact that a mobile phone first makes the communication at higher power and then reduces power to an adequate level. More power is radiated during call connecting time.

Given the negative side of the gadget, as a parent, the onus is yours to monitor its usage. Parents often have slotted specific time for their kids to watch television, the same can be done for mobile usage. Teachers at Genius Kids teach them that it is a privilege but the same can be taken away from a kid if he/she misuses it.

For more information on our curriculum, kids tutorial, child development processes, please visit our website at or email us at Our support team will get back to you within 1-business day.

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Saturday, 19 July 2014

Best Pre-School in Kolkata

Genius Kids is bound to provide a fully integrated preschool program to foster the Child's mental and social growth as well as physical, emotional and intellectual language. For more information click here:

Friday, 18 July 2014

Understanding the Child Psychology, Play schools make it easy for Parents

birthday party organizer Kolkata
Apparently, it is difficult to understand a child. Kids have whole lot of thoughts in their mind which we cannot read all the time. A child often is taken for granted. Kids opinions are discarded and their wishes do not always be counted. But these are critical steps to realize and recognize that there are many issues and influences which cause mental disturbance of a child. As a parent, you probably do not find your child crying while you take him or her for shopping. But sometimes they cry showing reluctance to go outside. But you force your kid to abide by your order ignoring your child's plea. You shut your child up often without giving a reasonable explanation. montessori training institute in Kolkata like Genius Kids make you understand that all this is not bad parenting all the time but it may influence insights into your child's behaviour.

Parents should continue with a balancing act. Childhood is a complex phase to manage. Kids demands are high and these demands are overlooked by parents. Suppose, a child wants both parents to be present at a social occasion but a parent is not able to make it. The child starts crying for this. As a parent, you laugh at your child’s tear saying- "Don't cry". It may not be important to you but the occasion means a lot to your child. In such case, a reputed day care like Genius Kids day care often advise parents to make your child aware in advance that you will not be able to make it so that your child feels that you have not ignored his or her plea.

Most parents believe in ensuring discipline to their children and at the same time they show that they love their children. It may not be more than enough. If you, as a parent, are not discipline, your child may not always obey you. Major play schools like Genius Kids offer good parenting skills so that you earn respect from your child. Kids may be polite, sober and intelligent, but he may still lack self-esteem. Top notch day care like Genius Kids day care often goes into the insight of a child who is sitting morose in the school. Teachers find that the child is disappointed because his or her parents are too busy to listen to him or her. Child psychology is such that a child may not count inattentiveness of yours in two or three cases. But if it happens regularly, the child gets hurt mentally. Leading play schools like Genius Kids bring this to your attention.

Parents must learn how to understand their child and a standard play school can provide a made-easy for this. Good parenting tools offered by play schools are useful in guiding and nurturing your child.

For more information on our curriculum, kids tutorial, child development processes, KG activities, please visit our website at or email us at Our support team will get back to you within 1-business day.

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Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Play schools impart Communication Skills of Kids

Speech development is one of the important tools that a child needs to adopt efficiently to demonstrate anything. Infants and toddlers begin to recognize various objects at the childhood and they express wordlessly. But there are certain techniques through which kids pick up vocabularies rapidly. best pre-school in Kolkata like Genius Kids are useful to teach activity centre toddlers such techniques. They usually learn and murmur the names of those who are familiar to them.

A day care of repute, Genius Kids day care understands how to unfold language of a child. Infants absorb words that are related to actions. And only then, they start describing their world. Parents often do not have enough time to offer to their child. Major play schools like Genius Kids are keen to provide presence, time, words and share languages with kids. Teachers advise parents to practice what is taught in the classrooms. A child's speech develops through interaction. Any physical act such as going to a grocery store or a market can be taken into a vocabulary lesson about colours and the names of the various fruits and flowers.

A standard playschool like Genius Kids takes innovative approach to increase child's communicative skills. The classrooms are preferably decorated with children's inventive artwork, their own writing and with different stories described by children to teachers. Major play schools believe children learn numbers, alphabet, names of flowers and animals, etc. in the context of their everyday working experience. Playing with building blocks, picture books, paints, table toys such as matching games and puzzles help children to adapt to a speech development process. Teachers at Genius Kids recognize that children coming from different backgrounds and experiences require different ways and different time frame to pick up a particular word.

Moreover, parents should read stories to their child. For instance, they should hold a nice picture book with their child so that they can see the pictures. While reading words a parent should follow the words with his or her fingers. Children will learn to read in time anyway but this will make him more familiar with the word.

Top playschools concentrate to understand your child's problem. Accordingly, teachers opt for different ploys. Kolkata's standard play school like Genius Kids helps your child to explain his or her need. Important play schools usually communicate parents through a school-home communication book so that parents can know how their child has got on in the school.

Top notch day care like Genius Kids day care prescribes that once your kid can read; you must encourage him or her to read aloud because this enhances child's ability to read from text without stumbling words. Doing this, your kids can also relate the same with classroom experiences because teachers would also call upon kids to read paragraphs aloud from their text books. So some little techniques followed by play schools enable kids to speak and they are able to speak a lot earlier than other children.

For more information on our curriculum, kids tutorial, child development processes, please visit our website at or email us at Our support team will get back to you within 1-business day.

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Monday, 7 July 2014

Make your Child confident

birthday party organizer Kolkata
Rajib and Amrita finds their son Ritwik as a chatterbox. Ritwik seems to be a born performer. He has no leisure. He is always up to singing, dancing and acting. But all this is only at home. He, in fact, remains quiet before guests. Simply, Ritwik lacks confidence before an unknown person. But in a competitive world it is the utmost important to build the level of self-confidence among children to enable them to compete. Major play schools like Genius Kids concentrate to increase child’s sense of security to make them confident. Parents should hug and hold their child close to them often. Keep in mind, babies get scared and nervous very easily.

In opposite, a child who has a little physical contact with parents becomes more inhibited. They tend to feel uncomfortable with unknown persons particularly while a person pats him or her. Reputed day care like Genius Kids day care encourages toddlers to interact with other children of his or her own age. Doing this, your child will gradually be accustomed to a friend circle. Your child will gather attention from his or her friends. He will find someone to talk to and someone will listen to him or her.

Top play schools in Kolkata often asks parents to question their child. An innovative play schools like Genius Kids always believe losing temper is harmful. Asking question often acts as a confidence builder when your child answers back. Remember, your child's brain develops rapidly and he or she realizes much more than you feel. Suppose, your child makes a rude behavior, as a parent you must ask your child- why has your child spoken in such a manner? Leading play schools like Genius Kids treat toddlers on the principle that child is supposed to abide by what you teach. Do try and find out child’s feeling for which he or she makes a rude behaviour.

Teachers at the top notch play schools like Genius Kids do not force children to do things against their will at all the time. However, sometimes it is necessary to force children to do something. Obedience is fine but parents must be flexible in terms of obedience. Your command like- 'You do because I say so' may obstruct thinking of your child. This is not desired. Instead, if parents encourage their child to think, that boosts up his or her confidence. Major day care like Genius Kids day care backs the strength of a child to augment the level of confidence. Parents often push their child to do better and better every time. This ends up spoiling child’s confidence. Suppose, your child shows promise in drawing but he or she does badly in mathematics. You should admit your child in a drawing school instead of pressurizing on mathematics. So, as a parent, you make your child confident, your little ones will deliver the best.

For more information on our curriculum, kids tutorial, child development processes,  please visit our website at or email us at Our support team will get back to you within 1-business day.

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Saturday, 5 July 2014

Imaginative Games helps in developing Child Personality

KG activities
At an artificial small indoor beach, toddlers are eagerly building a map of India spraying sands all over the place. The room with a small waterfall echoes as the toddlers are laughing and screaming. They are jumping like anything. This is nowadays a very common feature with many innovative play schools like Genius Kids. It seems that children are at play. But this is not at all. They are involved in the important educational activities. Leading play schools are competing with each other introducing modern games to influence child’s personality. Their approaches and strategies vary but they have a common objective.

Some of the top notch play schools like Genius Kids encourage city-bred children cross a mock river with a roped-bridge. They are asked to cross a mock spider-web net together. Kids even throw colour balls to each other. There are arrangements where they can learn rock climbing. Kids even race with plastic spaceships and helicopters.

Games are innovative but unusual. A play school of repute, Genius Kids believes that while toddlers together are involved in building a map of India, they can gather knowledge about the nation and also can relish creativity. While crossing a mock river together, they enjoy the value of the team spirit. Playing with colourful balls helps toddlers to grab the concept of colour and numbers. Racing with plastic spaceships and helicopters are included to develop child’s motor reflex abilities.

In fact, child’s brain develops 70 per cent between the age of 3 and 12 years. Psychiatrists feel 3 per cent of children are gifted while 75 per cent are potentially gifted. Reputed day care like Genius Kids day care intends to bring out that potential.

Top notch play schools like Genius Kids ensure students should have fun while learning. Many reputed day care often emphasize on teaching through specialized computer programmes such as taking a child through a journey to Mars or Jupiter and designing interiors of a house. Doing this, child’s ability to think and imagine increases. Prof. Glenn Schellenberg, a psychologist from the University of Toronto studied that children’s upbringing helps them to develop personality such as conscientiousness which enhance mental processes like learning, reasoning and memory. There is no doubt that there is a need for personality development of children in India. Top play schools like Genius Kids tries to bring out of their shells. Parents get upset that their children wither with the monotonous memory- learning curriculum. That is why parents are more inclined to imaginative play schools like Genius Kids so that their children study something in a different way and take pleasure in themselves in the process. Top day care in Kolkata like Genius Kids day care offers an edge to kids in the tough competition for admission to traditional schools.

For more information on our curriculum, montessori training institute in Kolkata, child development processes, please visit our website at or email us at Our support team will get back to you within 1-business day.

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Friday, 4 July 2014

Childhood Obesity: Play schools take a key role to reverse the trend

Much talked about the child obesity as it is becoming more and more threatening to the society. The trend is rampant in the metros where kids spend most of their time in school, tuitions, watching television or playing indoor games. In addition, they have a high propensity to intake varieties of junk foods. Statistics give you an idea how severe the problem is. About 20 per cent of school-going children in India are obese. However, a study conducted by All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) among children of age group of 14 to 18, has showed 17 per cent of the sample size are either obese or overweight.

Though the study was conducted among teenagers, pediatricians felt that obesity did not grow overnight. Teenagers who were overweight had perhaps never follow healthy habits from their childhood. Grooming toddlers with healthy habits at a tender age is the need of the hour. For this, onus is on responsible play schools like Genius Kids to teach toddlers about which foods are healthy and which are not. Unlike in the past, the obesity rate among play school goers has doubled while the same rate for adolescents and school-going children aged between 6 to 11 years has tripled.

According to Ravindran Kumeran, the Chennai based founder trustee of Obesity Foundation India, parents and educational institutions particularly play schools can play a crucial role to correct this trend. Taking a cue from this, top notch day care like Genius Kids day care asks parents to instill children for correct habits and lifestyle choices. Kolkata’s reputed day care keeps toddlers busy with outside games along with dancing and mild physical exercise. Teachers at top play schools like Genius Kids advise parents to continue the same activities at home particularly on holidays.

Teachers keep on informing parents not to exhibit bad habits because such ill-practice increases the risk of obesity among their children. Dr. Vaman Khadilkar, consultant pediatric endocrinologist warns that Type-2 diabetes with hypertension among children is growing at a brisk rate. During last two decades, children with high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides which cause heart attack are often found in clinics.

Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India showed in a study that there has been a major change in food habits in metros where about 86 per cent of households favour processed foods owing to high income and a better living standard with western influences. Apart from introducing various outdoor activities reputed day care like Genius Kids day care brings about little changes in diet. Teachers prefer that children should carry home cooked meals in the school instead of all chips, chocolate, soft drinks and white bread. Children are encouraged to eat fresh fruits.

Teachers at responsible play schools like Genius Kids counsel parents how to be creative while making dishes tasty with using minimum oil. Parents at reputed day care are asked to avoid deep-frying foods instead they are encouraged to adopt roasting and stir frying methods.  In fact, pediatricians feel while parents start providing healthy foods such as wheat bread sandwiches, chapatis and fruits in place of junk food, kids too will start enjoying healthy meals quickly. In summer, kids are told at reputed day care like Genius Kids day care to drink coconut water, low fat milk, fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

So, it is about healthy habits and choices that your kids must learn and play schools are the right platform to start the healthy practice.  For more information on our curriculum, birthday party organizer Kolkata, child development processes, please visit our website at or email us at Our support team will get back to you within 1-business day.

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Thursday, 3 July 2014

Genius Kids celebrates Poila Baisakh with a Difference

abacus learning in Kolkata
Genius Kids organizes "Baby's Day Out" – A day long fun n fiesta for Kids.

Kolkata 15th April 2014: Nurture your brilliant kid - Don't you want your children to be intelligent? The obvious answer is yes. All parents want their child to be creative and intellectually brilliant. You can simply stimulate and contribute to your child's intelligent quotient. What you need to incorporate are some basic habits in your child's day-to-day life. For this end, leading play schools like Genius Kids can guide you. At the outset, you must recognize that the early years are crucial as infants' brain grow exponentially. And thus we are reaching every corner of the society to surprise parents and to take care of the most innocent beings in this world – The tiny toddlers, Said Mr Vikash Kumar Singh, Founder Director, Genius Kids  at the inaugural of Genius Kids Salt Lake branch on the auspicious occasion of Poila Baisakh.

The Genius Kids Salt lake centre was inaugurated with much fanfare by Smt Shikha Singh, Chairman & MD , Annex Group of Institutions and Managing Trustee, SS Charitable Trust, in the presence of renowned rheumatologist Dr Samar Ranjan Pal, Eminent Singer Smt Aaroti Mukherjee, Mr Anupam Dutta, Councillor of BD Block Salt among others.

Smt Sumana Singh, Co founder Genius Kids emphasized, What makes your kid sharp may surprise you. Most child development experts are touting for games that teachers or parents may find useful in nurturing children's intellectual potential. Teachers at reputed daycare like Genius Kids encourage games that entail your child to think. For example, teachers at Genius Kids often ask children to play with toy blocks and construction toys. Psychologists also favour creating an environment that leads to a problem-solving scenario from a child age. Play with construction toys is probably the best suited for creating such scenario. These games teach your child to look at various problems from various angles so that kids can adopt numerous approaches towards solving a problem. In fact, free play allows better learning, memory and growth of the cerebral cortex. Many best play schools in Kolkata such as Genius Kids offer various games of strategy like monopoly, scrabble, battleship, etc. and other games of puzzles and quizzes for thinking and exercising brain cells. In addition, Genius Kids Day care, a top notch play school in Kolkata, offers board games or memory games to sharpen pre-school math skills. Teachers find such games handy while kids can identify numeral fast. Such games contribute to a good counting skill that guides better arithmetic performance. But it's tough for a child to play a pre-school board game by himself or herself. That is why a greater involvement of teachers of leading play schools like Genius Kids is required. Further, teachers at leading pre-schools also talk to a toddler in a positive dialogue- ‘you are the best' or ‘you can' and that enhances intellectual performance of the kids. Learned teachers at Genius Kids also discourage studies only at last minute. They advise parents for repetitive reading and revise class-works at home even for a short period of time. Repetitive reading helps kids to develop an intuitive sense of language, numerical magnitude and of overall studies.

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Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Be careful of colourful tasty foods

birthday party organizer Kolkata
Festival of colours-Holi is over. But as a parent you must be cautious and conscious with colours, particularly when it comes to food. Perhaps you have read many articles on healthy and tasty foods. But leading play schools like Genius Kids make parents aware of what is behind the tasty and colourful foods. Arvind Ram (name changed), a fruit seller in Esplanade in Kolkata was spraying something on an apple and rubbing it with a cloth to keep fruits fresh. He admitted that he sprayed lead acetate, a toxic chemical before rubbing it to make it fresh.

According to Dr. Krishnajyoti Goswami, a biochemist and Director, National Referral Centre for Lead Poisoning in India, cut fruit sellers often use rhodomine B for watermelons causing skin irritation because watermelons become redder being exposed to the sun. They inject saccharine and metanil yellow, a carcinogenic substance in pineapple to make it more yellow appealing to customers and also sweeter, said  Dr. Goswami. Maybe, your child cannot understand such toxic chemicals but reputed day care like Genius Kids Day care offers such information in the parents meet so that you can disseminate information to your child at home.

Play schools giant Genius Kids keep on updating you about ill effect of fast food. Mouth-watering foods ranging from biryani to chow to processed foods and other fast foods sold on the street, in restaurants and markets are not only fresh but also tasty because of toxic impurities. Adulterated foods do not affect one's health immediately but affect it in the long run as impurities used as taste maker and preservative are poisonous, toxic and some are carcinogenic. Metanil yellow, a carcinogenic chemical is used as a substitute of saffron which is expensive (Rs. 3, 50, 000 per kg) to make cheap rated biryani. 1gm of metanil yellow was found in 150 gm rice in biryani while more than 2 microgram lead is harmful to the human body, said Dr. Goswami. However, leading play schools like Genius Kids believe in the value addition. That is why such value added information is being shared with parents because toxic foods are 8-10 times more vulnerable to children.

Moreover, warm fried food often contaminated with lead as fried food is carried in a container made of newspaper which carries printed substance lead oxide. According to food technology expert Utpal  Raychaudhuri, noodles are generally boiled and dried out keeping them on newspaper. Thus chow gets also contaminated with lead oxide.

Adulterators do not spare milk. They use formalin in milk to absorb water content and make it thick. Casein is being processed using muriatic acid, which is used for cleaning of toilets, instead of using lactic acid and thus sweets do last more than the usual time and at the same time, insects and bacteria do not come. Fried food sellers often recycle oil to fry, which causes heart attack as recycled oil increases low density lipoprotein cholesterol (Bad cholesterol) which saturates in the artery wall, added Goswami.

But it does not mean that you and your child will not try these lip smacking foods once. You should but not frequently. Teachers at the top play schools like Genius Kids teach children about ill-effect of adulterated food in a lucid language. But as a parent you should put health before taste.

For more information on child discipline, parenting development and how to Nurture your brilliant kid, please visit our website at or email us at

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